Sunday, February 21, 2010

Just a little introduction.

I'd give a frank reason as to why I started blogging again, but really you don't want to know. Don't worry, guys, it's not something like I've got some long-lost lover across the globe or anything like that; neither is it because I'm horribly depressed and need an outlet to channel my energy into. If I was, I'd consult a therapist, thank you very much. I think it'd incite more of a response than a computer screen.

No, the reason is simple: I don't want to do my Contract Law essay. Eight hundred words left, two hundred words down, a book open in front of my computer and my fingers typing away. Not at the work, mind you, but at a random blog post for a random new blog that I swear (like I did the last time, and the time before that) that I'm going to actually keep. Like fireflies or ants or brains my online diaries have died, and hopefully it won't be the same with this one. I've just gotten off Skype, I can't be arsed to do proper writing, and I don't really feel like talking to too many people at this time so yeah.

Another channel for procrastination. How awesome is that? But really, this is also supposed to be an outlet for me to post ideas, dreams, thoughts, rants. Just like the last blog, and the one before that- only this one will be better.

... Which is what I said the last time, but whatever. So. The usual stuff. Hi, I'm Wei Yun, I'm not posting my last name here and if you know it please don't put it up either. I'm eighteen going on nineteen, 23rd May, but presents are welcome any time of the year so long as you don't use my address to stalk me. I like cookies. I like orange.

I have a freaking Contract Law essay that really, really needs to get done.

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